Featured Article

Why you should never accept a counter-offer

Counter-offers are nothing new, with managers trying to buy back their talent by offering promotions and salary increases. But should you take it? We've compiled a list of reasons why you should NOT take your manager's counter-offer, no matter how good of a deal it may sound.
December 2, 2021
5-minute read

Too old to get hired? Nope!

Is the deck stacked against older job applicants? If you’re a baby boomer looking for a job, with relevant up-to-date skills, know that you’re still in the game.
January 9, 2020
4-minute read

Waiting for an email from recruiters? Read this.

Waiting is hard to do. And we’re getting worse and worse at it. We are so used to getting results NOW that asking us to be patient is like, well, expecting us to wait for a web page to load. As if! About 32% of us will give up on a slow-loading page within just 1 to 5 seconds, according to studies.
January 9, 2020
4-minute read

What I should have said in my job interview.

You interview for, let’s say, a sales position. The interviewer asks, “Have you ever led a team?” You answer, ‘Well, not really.” Later you wonder, why didn’t I mention that you’d taken the lead on many department-wide initiatives.
January 9, 2020
3-minute read

10 subject line tips when looking for work

Anyone who’s looking for work knows it can be a challenge to figure out what to write as a subject line for emails to prospective employers. After all, if no one opens your email, it doesn’t matter how great your cover letter and resume are.
January 9, 2020
5-minute read
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