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Why you should never accept a counter-offer

Counter-offers are nothing new, with managers trying to buy back their talent by offering promotions and salary increases. But should you take it? We've compiled a list of reasons why you should NOT take your manager's counter-offer, no matter how good of a deal it may sound.
December 2, 2021
5-minute read

Easy networking tips to beat winter blues.

We don’t have to tell you. Winters in Canada can be tough. And TalentWorld recruiters offer this advice to anyone looking for work or a new career in any part of Canada: Don’t let the dreary winter blues defeat you!
January 14, 2020
4-minute read

10 secrets to networking nirvana.

The thought of handing out business cards or calling up contacts and former colleagues makes many people inwardly cringe. But networking doesn’t have to be painful.
January 9, 2020
3-minute read

Brilliant and unusual ways to network.

Here is information many people would rather ignore: about 44% of job opportunities arise from networking. Unfortunately, most job hunters hate networking and are terrible at it. 
December 9, 2019
3-minute read
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